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Holding Hands


An initiative to promote integration throughout Israeli classrooms


 Integrating students with various challenges into mainstream classrooms by creating an easy means of communication between the classroom teachers and specialized educators.

When being integrated into mainstream classrooms - students tend to have a hard time dealing with the material and fast pace. They often end up isolating themselves or interfering with the classroom instead of being a valuable part of the class.

The mainstream teacher might have difficulty knowing how to properly integrate this student, due to having many other students that need her attention and not necessarily understanding the student’s specific disabilities and how to help with them.

A Girl in a Classroom

How can we help?

'IncludED’ is a platform that provides information about each student and enables continuous contact between teachers in special and regular education, integration teachers, counselors, educators, and professional teachers.


The system updates the teacher before each lesson on who are the integration students in the classroom, what their disabilities are, and tasks that will help them integrate into the learning.

Creating continuity in the learning process and teachers’ cooperation strengthens trust in the student. Providing dedicated tasks to the integration student helps focus on precise and measurable goals for said student.


How does the application work?

The teacher receives a list of integration students in his class. He marks off in the application if the students have performed their special tasks. The teacher can also look at information about the student’s disability and recommendations for helping him be successful in his tasks.

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WhatsApp Image 2020-11-03 at
WhatsApp Image 2020-11-03 at

A life-changing solution with a simple and easy application

In Partnership with

Shira Ettinger

 An educator, integration teacher, and entrepreneur through EdStart. 

Together with Shira, we researched what solutions already exist and how we can aid integration students so that they can study in a mainstream class and still receive the full attention that will allow them to progress.


This product is developed by Hilma

Hilma is an NGO founded by high-tech executives in 2018 to make Israel a global leader in social high-tech (Social-Tech).

Hilma develops technological solutions in the fields of health, education, and welfare. The primary focus is on disadvantaged populations and people with disabilities and instituting technological and social leadership among young populations.

Hilma develops technological solutions for the target populations of nonprofits, hospitals, and government ministries.
This way, we empower both the disadvantaged and the disabled who use technological solutions and the social services providers in Israel.

Hilma has a vibrant development center in Jerusalem that houses 70 young developers

80% of them are women!

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