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Spinning a Top with the Touch of a Button

At Beit Issie Shapiro, they aim to make the world a more accessible place for children with disabilities.
On Chanukah, the children at Beit Issie Shapiro played an exciting game on a large board, with each move being decided by the spin of a top, or dreidel.  The counselor would spin a dreidel, and the next move was determined by the  side of the dreidel that landed on top.

This year, the joy was twofold. With the Driedelit app, all the kids at Beit Issie Shapiro could spin the dreidel by themselves, and take part in the joy of the holiday!
On Chanukah, it is customary to play games with a spinning top.
Children with cerebral palsy and other various disabilities cannot participate fully, because the grip to spin the dreidel requires fine motor skills.
The Challenge
Our Solution
A virtual dreidel, that begins to spin as soon as you touch it on the screen.
The dreidel spins - and Chanukah music plays in the background.
The game allows the player / caregiver to choose the game’s background color, the dreidel color, and the music.
In the Hebrew calendar there are other holidays with special games, and we are already planning the following holiday-related apps for the children of Beit Issie Shapiro:
Blowing of the shofar
Lighting a virtual menorah
Mask game for Purim
Cracking nuts
What is Next?
Our Partner
Beit Issie Shapiro, in Ra’anana, is a well-known nonprofit that treats children with disabilities, including children with Down syndrome. 
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